There’s a lot of talk in the marketplace about revenue teams seeking to consolidate their tech stack to make them more efficient. With the years of “growth at all costs” squarely behind all of us, teams are looking to spark financially responsible growth. One of their primary targets is right-sizing the tech stack.
Tech stacks have swelled over the years as revenue teams added solutions with overlapping features. The bill is now due.
In response, revenue teams are addressing their tech stacks, paring down to the bare essentials, reigniting internal “build versus buy” debates, and striving to “do more with less.” However, hard dollar cost is just one aspect of efficiency. The tech stack essential of accuracy cannot be overlooked.
Nothing Kills Efficiency Like Inaccuracy
When tech stack solutions work inaccurately, they require rework. This process leaves operations teams literally spinning their wheels. It requires both time and resources, but despite the investment, there’s often no forward progress.
Take, for example, lead routing or lead assignment. When leads are routed to the wrong representative, either manually or through an automated solution, the wrong representative engages with the customer. Imagine the ramifications, for instance, of a sales rep engaging existing customers as if they were prospective new customers.
Even if a company catches its own mistake before any customer interaction, problems arise. Time delays negatively affect the customer experience as they sit, waiting for replies. In an era when speed to lead is critical, revenue teams simply can’t afford rework.
New LeanData Features Optimize the Value of Leads
As part of its routine updating of its industry-leading lead-to-account matching and routing solutions, LeanData introduced two product features in February that allow customers to optimize the value of their leads. The updates directly increase efficiencies by enabling customers to be more productive without suffering delays and rework caused by poor data, all without any additional tech stack investment.
In LeanData Routing, related record updates automatically update related records using LeanData’s existing Update Record & Assign Record nodes. On the Update Record node, whenever a field is updated on a primary record, the corresponding update is made on a related record. Likewise, with the Assign Record node, whenever an owner is assigned for the primary record, the same owner is assigned to a related record to ensure consistency.
Related record updates directly address increased efficiency by:
- Reducing tech debt (Salesforce Flows, Custom Code, Syncari,, etc.)
- Eliminating manual data triage that drains productivity
- Supporting enterprise revenue teams in managing record updates at scale
- Minimizing any needs for custom work or workarounds
In addition, LeanData also introduced custom match fields to its industry-leading lead-to-account matching solution. With this enhanced matching capability, customers improve matches by supplementing match fields, perhaps using additional fields from a data enrichment vendor or a prospective customer webform to determine potential matches. Additionally, customers can automatically match leads to accounts when both records have an exact match on a specific field.
Custom match fields supplement LeanData’s fuzzy matching algorithm and positively affect efficiency by:
- Increasing visibility and improving customer trust
- Helping customers match with greater accuracy and flexibility
- Reducing any needs for expensive custom work
Efficient Tech Stacks Power Profitable Growth
A fully-functioning tech stack is an empowering tool for any revenue team seeking to scale revenue growth. Not only does the tech stack have to be right-sized to exclude any overlapping features, it also has to work correctly — with precise accuracy — each and every time to squeeze out the highest return on investment.
As your team evaluates your tech stack investments, include reliable accuracy among your critical proof points. Any rework to fix mistakes is completely avoidable and unnecessary, and eliminating unnecessary work is among the lowest hanging fruit when seeking a lean, mean, efficient revenue team.